Wednesday, August 29, 2007

posse up

I'm almost ready to hit the road to Colfax, WA where I meet my friend Farlito. Yesterday, was a near perfect day. Great weather, beauftiful campground that I had all to myself, I got to go swimming in the river, had a hot coin-op shower, and was actually able to sleep in this morning. I was out some friends the night my friend Carmen found out about the trip I was planning. Upon hearing about the trip she exlaimed, "EAT BEANS!" Everyone at the table stopped and looked one another and asked Carmen what she was talking about. "Beans!" she replied excitedly, "You must eat Beans!" At this point she had everyone at the table mystified as to what she was on about. Like someone suffering from bean-centric dimentia she just kept saying "Eat beans!" After some ribbing Carmen did go on to expound on the nutritional merits of beans. Last night I ate beans, and they were nice. Thanks Carms!


Anonymous said...

Dude BEANS I am telling you! I am so happy you ate them.

Unknown said...

So, did the beans help you 'scoot' along any faster???? Hehehe